Tuesday, September 8, 2009

labor day long weekend.

long long weekend.
my school ends on thursday and so starting from friday till monday is a holiday.
i dont know what to do without rachel! i love you heaps!

sooooo, on friday, there's indo welcoming party which i refuse to attend but rachel's brother, ady, begged us to go there to check out girls.
well, we have no plans for the day so why not.
so we went there and rachel and i feel soooo alienated (if thats the correct word).
we didnt knew anybody there except for a few. so we just sat under a huge tree and hangout (just the three of us).
then, along came joan and the other girls.
oh and i dont call that a party. basically it was just a "same-race-gathering" slap me if im being too rude. the word "party" was there to make it sound fun. believe me, its NOT at all.
the same-race-gathering was held in a park by pleasant hill downtown.

well, nothing happened really. its so boring. so we decided to take off and go to the other park (still in pleasant hill). the name is "hidden lake park".

so we went there and guess what?!

it was soooooooooo very beautiful. it was so big and it has huge field of brown grass (idk what its called) and huge trees and jogging treks and soccer field and of course, a hidden lake and many more.

there's one small hill we could climb and on the very top lies a wooden chair made for only a couple.
but we were small humans so rachel, ady and i sat together and took pictures.

then after that, we walk miles and miles away from the starting point, which was the bridge, and found this very cute little lake.

over there was a huge tree with a tarzan rope hanging on it. the water was clear and shallow. we were planning to go there again probably bring a floating rubber boat and just lay there all day.

the next stop was the corn field. rachel took one of the baby corn from the mother and took a bite. i tried it too. it was sweet =)

it was getting dark so we took off and went home.

we were all dirty and sweating and smelly and hungry.

after dinner, we went to sacramento straight away, rachel's old house for the weekend.

When we got there, rachel's sister, nia, was at home and she introduce herself to my mom. i met her before couple of times.
her boyfriend was sleeping upstairs. it was late so we straight away went to sleep.

The very next morning, nia, rachel, mom, nia's boyfriend (jeremy) went to the club house near by. ady got this thing in the morning so he cant come with us.
we met rachel's cousin, i forgot her name and we went swimming together.

it was fun. i did a little sunbathing, one of my favorite hobbies and i did get a little darker and then went home again, took a shower and took off again.

This time we went to downtown sacramento and visit arnold schwarzenegger's (gosh its so hard to spell his name) governor office, state capitol building. it was huge and very nice. inside was the real office and meeting rooms.

Right after that we went to old sac. which was a small town (actually a tourist attractions) of sacramento but the old version.
it was uhm.. old. people dressed like in the 20's and 30's.
women wore gowns and men wore tuxedos and big hat.
oh and the best part was the candy store. in the store, we can eat as many candy we want as long as we eat it in the store.


my favorite candy was pelon pelo rico. a mexican sour candy. really good!

here are some pictures

the rest of the day was just strollin around old sac and went to a chinese store to get food for dinner and cook it at home.
nia's boyfriend jeremy ate small green indonesian chilly (cabe rawit) for the 1st time and all of a sudden his face turns really red and drank half a gallon of gatorade, funny.

the next day, we went to arden shopping mall. i went to forever 21 and got me really nice stuff. i'll show yoo the pictures in my next post. After that, we went to marie's calender to buy a banana cream pie but we got back with disappointments 'cause it was sold out. soooooo, we got a custard pie instead. it was yuckee, cause the custard thingy was soo jellyish and eggish.

but the pie crusts are good!

so on monday, we were planning to do our homework and study at home. but you know, we kinda go to the mall first and promise to get home before sundown. and you guessed it, we went home at 8. we did a little shopping again. but it was fun though. i dont know why but i was very happy yesterday, mom rachel and i talk, laugh, jokes together. it was really fun and tiring too. we ended up sleeping at 2 to finish our homework.

its 2 50 pm right now and imma go to my nutrition class.

i miss rheza and indo peeps so much.


Friday, September 4, 2009

i miss you

its 2 in the morning.
rachel and I decided to stay up till dawn. we were smokin at joan's balcony. then her boyfriend called. and so she went inside and i was still siting in the balcony, wrapping up my last piece. it was cold, very very chill. i stared at the sky. it was a full moon. i guess. from what i saw, it was a perfect circle though. and so i put on the song "officially missing you" you know, just to get in the mood. so yeah, i'm thinkin about you again. i wanna see you so bad :(
thats pretty much it. i dont know what to write anymore.
you'll be so bored. cos all i do is repeating everything again and again.
i'm hungry. im gonna grab the cheesecake from the fridge.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

so my anthro professor dressed as indiana jones today. wtf.

If there's one person in my life that I most care about, it must be you and only you.
Here I am in my freakin anthropology class, listening to love songs. huffff. I can't stop thinkin bout you.
Babe, i miss you so bad. I cant wait till december.
Promise me, when we meet again, hold me like you never let me go. kiss me like you never kiss anyone before. 'cos i really adore you. I cherish every moment with you. You were there during my rough and happy times. You were there when no one else couldn't. I need you I do. No one can take you away from me no matter what.
You're the best I ever had. I couldn't ask for more. I don't care what they say, I'm gonna be with you. I wanna be with you. I love you and let the world know that.

I'm sorry for being so emo lately. I think its the PMS. and I've been sneezing a lot because of BALI, rachel's cute lil cat.

Reporting from pleasant hill, ITS FREAKIN 35 DEGREES C damn it. ITS SO hot. and the one thing that pisses me off is that I gotta walk to school back and forth for three times cos there's 2 to 3 hours gap during each class. so i prefer to go home.
I feel like walking in an oven. Its definitely hotter than Jakarta.

There's nothin much goin on lately. Except that I got a pile of homework and ASSignments. I gotta catch up with my nutrition cos Im to sleepy to pay attention in class. Oh and good news I got an A in spanish.

Tomorrow's fridaaaaaaaay yay!

p.s. : I am currently waiting for my brand new mac pro to arrive. I purchased it online a few days ago. Frankly, I don't need a new laptop but its a pretty good deal cos it comes with a free iTouch. and I engraved the ipod with my name. HAHAHAHAHA.
and i miss my boyfriend so bad.

daddy and rheza said not to lose the chubbycheeks. whatever. its still so chubby. not cute.

imma take a nap now, cant stand the heat.
